Friday 24 April 2015

Science vs Religion

Science and religion do not always have to be on warring ends.
On a detailed survey done by Rice University sociologist Elaine Howard Ecklund who built her data on almost 1700 scientists and about 275 lengthy follow-up interviews it was discovered that many scientists practice a closeted faith out of concern over how their fellowmen would view them upon learning about their religious views. Breakdowns in communications between scientific and religious communities cause very real problems. As it is there are already existing conflicts over topics ranging from evolution to stem cells.


  • At least half of these scientists are religious
  • Only 5 of the 275 interviewees actively oppose religion
  • Even among those who are atheists, many still consider themselves spiritual 
  • This spirituality stemmed from the wonder over the great complexity and majesty of existence 

Only through genuine communication efforts and dialogues can these divisions be bridged.  Recognising and more importantly tolerating various schools of thought regardless of whether they concern scientists or the common man will help bridge the gap between scientific skepticism and religious faith.