Monday 5 August 2013

Tips to Master Phonics

Many of you out there are already beginning preparations for Kindergarten next year. 
No doubt you would certainly wish to ensure that your child is well-prepared and nothing says 'well prepared' as much as having mastered the art of reading. 

Phonics will help your child get there. However - how does one actually go about helping to ensure that your child can actually read.  In Singapore today, most children spend their mornings  at one education institution or another.  English, Maths and Chinese are already incorporated as part of the menu. Still you feel that your child could be doing better. 

What else then can you do to ensure that your child  unleashes his potential to the max. Simple steps you could take include the following:

  • Remember to Review. 
  • The process of  review should be conducted on a daily basis if possible. 
  • Set aside a mere 15 minutes a day and get your child to read through all the alphabets he has learnt so far
  • Make it a simple and lighthearted affair. 
  • Do not insist that he gets it right or flawless the first time
  • The trick is to make him repeat this simple exercise on a daily basis so that he becomes familiar with the  alphabet and knows it well in time
  • It is far better to sit down for brief but regular moments rather than long drawn sessions which may bore the child.